Thursday, December 30, 2010

Reviewing "William Blake's Art and Poetry"

The blog "William Blake's Art and Poetry" is a blog that I really liked. I like the layout of the blog and how it appears when you look at it, it's visually pleasing which makes it more interesting to look at. The artwork on the blog is one of my favorite things because it gives you something else to look at besides writing. There is also a lot of posts on this blog already, compared to the other ones which makes it good to read because there is more information. I loved Timmy's prose poem, "Sweet Summer" It was my favorite thing on the blog. It was about a boy and girl that fell in love and the boy couldn't believe that the girl could love someone like him. I thought his poem was great. It was also very relevant to the blog topic because William Blake is a romantic poet and the poem was written like a romantic poet. There were a lot of references to nature in his poem, "Sweet Summer." The blog does a good job covering Wordsworth topics, so therefore I think it is a pretty important blog and teaches a lot. For someone who knows nothing about romantic poetry, it would be a great blog to look at and they would get an idea that it has to do with nature. There is also another post on this blog about the poem "The Little Black Boy." It introduces the poem and them Timmy explains the meaning of it. This blog is important because it covers other poems besides the ones that were read in class. Nature is present in the poem "The Little Black Boy" because it's about an African boy that learns about God through his mother. God is another very big theme that Wordsworth covers in his poems. He believed that God is nature, so all his poems have God and nature in them. This blog is one of my favorites and it is definitely important and relevant to have. The poems that Timmy and Taylor wrote were great at portraying Romatic poetry. To view the blog click here.

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